French area

When the British offensive on the Somme started, the French continued the line for another 18 kilometres. Progressing in the first days they remained stuck in front of the town of Peronne. Less known, but most interesting are the remainings in that area: ruins, trenches, memorials and also cemeteries.


4 h

Peronne, Frise, Belloy-en-Santerre, Faÿ, Rancourt

In the Artois area, the French fought important battles before they left the trenches to the Commonwealth soldiers. You find the biggest French Military Cemetery, and of course the huge Ring of Remembrance created in 2014.


3 h

Souchez, Neuville-Saint-Vaast, Ablaincourt

Visit the museum Historial of the Great War, +2 h

Visit the History Centre 14-18, +1 h


If you are looking for a restaurant:

Le bistrot d'Antoine, just in front of the museum in Peronne.